About the Company

The staff of the Region company welcomes you to our website!
We are glad that you have shown interest in us and hope that you will find all the information you need.

LLC "Region" was founded in 2011 in Yekaterinburg. To date, our company has earned the respect of partners and the appreciation of customers thanks to high-quality work.

Our specialists will be able to give you advice on the issues you are interested in, help you determine the optimal route and type of transport, calculate the cost of transportation and issue the necessary documents.

We offer the following services to our customers:

- Selection and calculation of the optimal route and cost of transportation;

- Transportation of goods by road across the territory of the Russian Federation and to neighboring countries;

- Transportation of bulky and heavy cargo in the Sverdlovsk region and the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as small volumes and combined cargo;

- Cargo insurance;

- Transportation by rail;

- Transportation of non-metallic materials;

- Realization of grain crops.